Friday, March 14, 2014

ABC of educational jargon for parents

Wondering why your kids talk about playing under the school COLA? Baffled at parent-teacher discussions about KLA's? You're not alone!

I hope this list helps you understand some of the terms teachers use.


AECG – Aboriginal Educational Consultative Group
AC – Aboriginal coordinator
ACLO – Aboriginal community liaison officer
ADD – Attention deficit disorder
ADHD – Attention deficit hyper activity disorder
AP – Assistant principal
ASLO – Aboriginal student liaison officer


BEC – Board endorsed course – HSC subjects  endorsed by the Board of Studies NSW.
BOS – Board of Studies NSW - The body responsible for the development of core syllabuses for Kindergarten to Year 12. It also manages external examinations such as the School Certificate and the Higher School Certificate.


CA – Creative arts
CAPA – Creative and performing arts
Civics and Citizenship – studied within Human society and its environment (see HSIE) and explores the people, processes and institutions that make up Australia's political system.
CLO – Community liaison officer – encourage and support parents and the wider community to be actively involved in school activities and students progress.
COGS – Connected outcome groups – Units of work, studied from Kindergarten to Year 6, which have been designed to link all key learning areas (see KLAs) together around one topic. For example "Being Australian" may be studied by Year 3-4 students and includes Science and technology, HSIE, PDHPE and creative arts components (see KLAs). Your child may be asked to do a project around a COG subject they are studying in class.
COLA – Covered outdoor learning area. Usually a covered structure in the playground which does double duty as a learning and play area.
Curriculum –The Australian curriculum in NSW is the planned program of teaching and learning constructed by educators, in partnership with learners and others, to achieve agreed educational outcomes.
Creative Arts – a key learning area covering visual arts, dance, drama and music.

If you would like to have the full A-Z list visit Schoolatoz

Remember: Read Everyday
Kids' who read, succeed!!! Cheers :-)

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