Monday, November 9, 2009

Our children deserve no less than a qualified TL in every school library.

"Teacher librarians support and implement the vision of their school communities through advocating and building effective library and information services and programs that contribute to the development of lifelong learners."

The Teacher Librarian: 

  • understanding learners and their needs;
  • collaborating with teachers to plan and implement information literacy and literature programs;
  • ensuring the school library collection supports the school curriculum and community;
  • using technologies as teaching and learning tools;
  • creating effective learning environments;
  • participating in the school and wider learning community.

Our first 1000 signatures! at the Hub

Help make it more.

Today's Librarian Wordle





Please sign this petition 

and urge any other people you know 

who would be interested in 

ensuring that every school has a qualified TL to do so.

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Friday, November 6, 2009

NSW DET video on head lice show you how to get rid of head lice.

HEAD LICE have unfortunately reared their ugly head again and are on the move. 
                                                                                                                                   Bites of head lice.
Bites of a head liceImage via Wikipedia

Recently we have had a number of children having to be sent home because of this.

Please check your child’s hair and if necessary apply a suitable product to remove the lice.

Sometimes you may need to reapply the lotion two or even three times. 

All eggs must be removed to successfully eradicate the lice.

We understand that it is a difficult and tiresome job to do but unless all the eggs are removed they can re-hatch over night.

Many thanks for your co-operation.

Are you interested in introducing your child to the sport of cricket.

Milo In2 Cricket 
is a fun introduction for both boys and girls into the brilliant world of cricket.

BowlingImage by Glamhag via Flickr

Milo In2 Cricket  is suitable for children aged 5-8.

The 10 week course costs $50.

For further information please contact Steve Meakins on 0419 977 980.

Your P&C needs you.


Parents & Citizens Association meets
4th Monday of every month.

The next P&C meeting (the A.G.M.) is on 
Monday 23rd November 
at 7pm in the Staffroom. 

Immediately following the A.G.M. (say 7.30pm), there will be an Ordinary Meeting. At this meeting will be discussion around significant changes to the operation of the P&C run school canteen. 

Our school canteen may no longer be able to operate with a paid canteen supervisor. If so, the options will be to either (1) operate the canteen with volunteers, OR (2) close the canteen.

So if you and your friends are interested in giving the canteen a new start and are able to run it on a volunteer basis, come along to our next P&C meeting and talk about what you can or can’t do.

Any options (days/hours of operation, staffing, menu) will be considered because the alternative may have to be closure of the school canteen.

Interested in Cubs or Scouts?
1st Woolgoolga Scout Troop is looking for new members.
Badge of Scouts AustraliaImage via Wikipedia
Cubs (aged 7yrs & 6 months to 10yrs & 6 months)
meet from 6.30pm to 8pm on Tuesdays

     Scouts (aged from 10yrs & 6 months to 15 yrs)
meet from 5.30 to 7pm on Wednesdays

If you are interested please phone Kate on 6654 7687 or Dianne on 6656 0728.

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If any child is interested in learning 
the basic skills of hockey 
there is a fun six week program to be held from 
10th November to 15th December
from 5.00 – 6.00pm 
at Marshall Fields, Coffs Harbour 
(opposite Southern Cross Uni). 

Suitable for children aged from 5 – 12 years.

Cost $30 and all participants will receive a stick, ball and shinpads or a t-shirt, bucket hat and a bag of hockey goodies.

For further information please contact Rhonda on 66 55 5142 or 0458 271 071

Parenting Workshops

Woolgoolga Neighbourhood Centre with Community Programs will host  
FREE parenting workshops 
at the centre in Woolgoolga.

ABCD Parenting - mornings 9.30 -12
Listening to our children, boundaries and communication

Dads on their own – afternoons 12.30 – 2.30
Support & parenting information.
Connecting with other Dads
Reflecting on the experience of being a Dad 
Valuing your abilities to survive and thrive

November 9, 16, 23 & 30
Please register early as these workshops are very popular.
You can either call into the centre 35 Beach St between 9 & 3pm or phone 6654 1598 to book your place.

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