Head Lice
"Head lice are wingless insects spending their entire life on human scalp and feeding exclusively on human blood." Wikipedia
"Unfortunately, the management and treatment of head lice is surrounded by a large amount of misinformation and myth, particularly about their habits and what is and isn't an effective treatment." NSW Government Department of Health
NSW Government Department of Health
"Head lice are only found on the human head. Head lice do not live on furniture, hats, bedding, carpet or anywhere else in the environment. Treating anything other than the human head does not eradicate head lice." Treatment of Head Lice NSW Government Department of Health
"Spring cleaning your home, washing bedding and toys and rigorous vacuum cleaning do not affect the head lice population on a human head." Biology NSW Government Department of Health
How do you catch head lice?"Head lice are caught from another human head. Head lice cannot survive off the human head for any length of time." Biology NSW Government Department of Health
"Head lice move from human hair to human hair."
"As no product has been shown to kill eggs, any chemical treatment must be reapplied after any eggs have hatched, ie. five to seven days after the first treatment." Biology NSW Government Department of Health
"Unfortunately, the management and treatment of head lice is surrounded by a large amount of misinformation and myth, particularly about their habits and what is and isn't an effective treatment." NSW Government Department of Health
To assist you to combat these annoying creatures:
NSWPublic Schools and NSWHealth present:
NSW DET video on head lice show you how to get rid of head lice.
NSWPublic Schools and NSWHealth present:
Please check your child’s hair regularly
and if necessary apply a suitable product
to remove the lice.
"Sometimes you may need to reapply the lotion two or even three times.
All eggs must be removed to successfully eradicate the lice.
We understand that it is a difficult and tiresome job to do
but unless all the eggs are removed they can re-hatch over night."
NSW Government Department of Health
For further support and information go to"Sometimes you may need to reapply the lotion two or even three times.
All eggs must be removed to successfully eradicate the lice.
We understand that it is a difficult and tiresome job to do
but unless all the eggs are removed they can re-hatch over night."
NSW Government Department of Health
Been there, done that. Both my girls picked them up in school, and I from them before we knew. I thought o.k, just use the Rid stuff, we're good to go. Not so, a week later there they were again. I know all about nit picking, and I had to go to a friend to have mine done, as the girls were to young to do mine. It was months before I was sure we were lice free. Here Lice Removal Service