Sunday, March 31, 2013

Get your kids reading

To get them reading…….
                                    Give kids a choice

Research has shown that supportive home environments foster motivation for reading, which leads to more frequent voluntary reading, which improves reading achievement. Many collaborative interventions involving home and school have enhanced the reading motivation of struggling readers as they enhanced comprehension.
Being able to choose what they read encourages some so-called ‘reluctant readers’ to find their interest in reading.
·         No pressure — let children choose what they want to read
It is not the amount children read, it is that they want to read that is important, so let them choose things they want to read — even comics, magazines, cookbooks or appropriate websites.

·         Find out what others like
Peruse book reviews or lists or ask your local librarian what is ‘hot’ for kids to read. Find out what appeals to your children, rather than what appeals to you!
·         Listening is reading — consider audio books
Fluency with reading improves if children follow along as they are read to. Listen to audio books in the car, or download audio books onto your children’s iPods so they can listen to them privately.
·         Book groups are great
Ask your children if they’d like to get together with other children who might like to read and talk about a book. Try an ‘all boys’ book group or a grandparents–grandchild book group . . . any way to get kids talking about books.

Credit: Dean Terry | / Creative Commons License
·         Read anywhere and everywhere
Encourage your child to read to you menus, maps, train schedules, flavours at the ice-cream shop, specials at the supermarket, music and movie reviews — anything that interests them.
Advice sharedf rom

Kids' who read, succeed!!!
 Cheers :-)

Tuesday, March 26, 2013

April World Autism Day

 Let us all continue to join hands to enable people with autism and other neurological differences to realise their potential and enjoy the opportunities and well-being that are their birthright.
Ban Ki-moon: "Reaching out to people with autism spectrum disorders requires global political commitment and better international cooperation, especially in sharing good practices."

As highlighted by the Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities, people with autism are equal citizens who should enjoy all human rights and fundamental freedoms.

April is Autism Awareness Month, a time to learn more about the neurological condition which affects one in every hundred Australians. 

United Nations