The site, compiled by the Australian Curriculum, Assessment and Reporting Authority, gives basic information such as enrolments, teacher numbers and Year 12 completion rates. Visitors can compare numeracy and literacy results for each school with up to 60 schools nationwide with similar socioeconomic profiles." from: My School site an eyeful.
Teacher unions and some parents are worried will be used to create simplistic league tables that could stigmatise poor-performing schools.
In this video Michael Coutts-Trotter, the Director- General of the NSW Department of Education, explains how the My School website gives parents a snapshot of each school's performance, in comparison to similar schools.
For further information and interviews about this website:
Julia Gillard answers questions about the new My School website. - Herald Sun
My School Website: Will it portray accurate information about schools? 18/01/2010
Media Release my school website will it portray accurate information about schools
This glossary provides an advanced explanation of some of the terms used on this website.
Click on the link for info about: My School website "Government schools urgently need not just more teachers, but more support staff.
Given the comparisons above, even if we doubled the number of support staff in most public schools tomorrow, they still would not come within cooee of many of their large private school neighbours."
"The MySchool website provides a clear and transparent direction about what needs to be done to maintain, support and improve Australia's education performance, particularly for the 70 per cent of students who attend public schools." from